We are happy to announce that three of our four eBooks are ready for testing in the field in Karamoja, Uganda. The first eBook Water source protection around the valley tank has 8 videos and 88 interactive pages with explanations and tasks. Everything is in English and Karamojong.
The second eBook Operation and Maintenance of the valley tank contains 8 videos and 69 interactive pages.
Our third eBook Environmental protection in the catchment, part I with 80 pages contains 9 short videos (Karamojong/English) in which pastoralists, the RDC from Kotido, a ranger from UWA and people from GIZ explain the reasons and the devastating effect of charcoal burning and how to stop it. Solutions are presented how to tackle the problem of deforestation, etc. Lots of tasks with photos and grafics are used as learning tools. So we want to ensure propper knowledge transfer.

There is still one more to come …
We are very much looking forward testing our 4 eBooks in January 2020 in the rural areas of Kaabong, Kotido and Moroto.
Uli Schwarz and Petra Dilthey